Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

Shaheer Ghouri
2 min readAug 21, 2020

The name may seems to be wearied but this technique is life saving. Thanks to #AMAL_ACADEMY who introduce me to it make me manage my time easily without being distracted. There are few steps that you should follow to apply this technique.

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  • Select a task that needs to be done
  • Set a Pomodoro timer to 25 minutes
  • Start doing work on that task and if and distraction came into your mind, write it down and get back on the work
  • After timer rings draw a star on a paper.
  • Take a short 3–5 minute break
  • Repeat step 1 to 4 again
  • After complete you task take a 15–20 minute break and get back to work again

It was very difficult for me at the start due to distraction. Thoughts are coming to my mind that i need to check my social media and different thoughts but after some time i get use to it. The work that took me an hour is done in 25 minute. It was very amazing that how such a technique help me like that. I am thinking of implementing it my daily life. To make it more better i will going to increase the time from 25 to 30 minutes and adding 1 minute every day to make it more effective to me.

